ArteColeccionesAsiáticoCeladon-glazed vessel with ridged neck, flaring rim, and four loop handles (Vasija esmaltada en celadón con cuello acanalado, borde ensanchado y cuatro asas)
Celadon-glazed vessel with ridged neck, flaring rim, and four loop handles (Vasija esmaltada en celadón con cuello acanalado, borde ensanchado y cuatro asas)
Cristallerie D'Emile Gallé, French, 1894 - 1936, c. 1920, vessel, cameo glass, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Baldwin in memory of Mary Elizabeth Baldwin
Cristallerie D'Emile Gallé, French, 1894 - 1936, c. 1920, vessel, cameo glass, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Baldwin in memory of Mary Elizabeth Baldwin
Cristallerie D'Emile Gallé, French, 1894 - 1936, c. 1900, vessel, cameo glass, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Baldwin in memory of Mary Elizabeth Baldwin
Cristallerie D'Emile Gallé, French, 1894 - 1936, c. 1920-1929, vessel, cameo glass, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Baldwin in memory of Mary Elizabeth Baldwin
Cristallerie D'Emile Gallé, French, 1894 - 1936, c. 1910, vessel, cameo glass, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Baldwin in memory of Mary Elizabeth Baldwin