Max Weber, American, 1881 - 1961
oil on board
Gift of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation
Mike Lundgren
Alexander Calder, American, 1898 - 1976, 1961, painting, gouache, Gift of Martha Jackson
Paul Reed, American, 1919 - 2015, 1964, painting, polymer on canvas, Gift of Mr. William Bendig
Oscar Bluemner, American, 1867 - 1938, 1930, painting, casein and watercolor on board, Museum Purchase with funds provided by Four Friends of the Museum
Ben Foster, American, 1852 - 1926, c. 1916, painting, oil on canvas, Gift of Carolann Smurthwaite, by exchange
William Stanley Haseltine, American, 1835 - 1900, 1899, painting, watercolor, Gift of Mrs. Louis Cates
Unknown, Ukiyo-e School, 1780-1795, painting, ink, color, gofun and gold on paper, Gift of Mrs. Naomi D. Kitchel and Mrs. Percy Douglas
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