Phoenix Art Museum hosts world premiere of documentary film on the life and practice of German-French artist Rotraut

Phoenix Art Museum hosts free photography-themed AfterHours event; presents conversation on importance of public art; welcomes Scott Avett as 2023 Eric Fischl Lecture Series speaker    

New exhibition at Phoenix Art Museum showcases paintings by José Clemente Orozco, Enrique Chagoya, Rufino Tamayo, and other renowned Mexican artists

New American art exhibition at Phoenix Art Museum showcases iconic images of the western United States

Mixed-reality installation at Phoenix Art Museum traces migration of endangered Monarch butterfly

Phoenix Art Museum partners with Eric Fischl, Phoenix College to host 2023 Eric Fischl Series featuring guest artist Scott Avett

Phoenix Art Museum appoints its first MAC Curator of Engagement

Phoenix Art Museum announces appointment of Bettina Nava to Board of Trustees

Phoenix Art Museum to premiere new photo exhibition as anime-inspired show closes; welcomes artist Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe for Spring Lenhardt Lecture 

Phoenix Art Museum to unveil newly restored digital artwork by Julian Opie

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